Bill Quick, my editor over at Daily Pundit, whips up a nice response to those who are content to make nice with the new administration:
Just how fucking stupid are we?
Some of us sit on our ivory impalement stakes, preening about our “rationality,” our “civilization,” our pride that we don’t suffer from “Obama Derangement Syndrome.”
Meanwhile, the liberties of the Republic - “if we can keep it” - given us by our Founders and Framers, via their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor are heading straight down the toilet while we pretend that politics is a game of beanbag played by “honorable rules.”
We are fools.
Do you value liberty? Do you value the republic the framers gave us? Do you hate socialism? Do you despise those who would destroy the American dream of self-reliance, individual liberty, and personal advancement by trading it for a nightmare mess of socialist, statist pottage?
You do? And yet you would soothe your own idiotic sense of personal value by refusing to dirty your hands with the vicious matters of victory over an opponent who has no such qualms, no such restraints?
How disgusting I find you, who will console yourself with idiotic notions of personal nobility while the opporessors put their chains around your necks and their boots into your faces.
Fuck you, and fuck your loser’s mentality.
Commenter martinra, recently added to the blog's masthead treats us to a quote as relevant now as it was back then:
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”
In other words, if your attitude is "blessed are the peacemakers," then I suggest you get the hell out of our way. We've got work to do.
May your chains sit lightly upon you, indeed.