...The more they stay the same.
The Year 1 AB (After Bush)
If one were to have gone into deep sleep in late October
during the Dark Ages, and woken up in late January in the AB (after Bush) era
of Hope and Change and an end to all evil, would the world seem different? No,
it looks pretty much the same. Same old Predator strikes on terrorists in
Pakistan. Same old DC and NY grandees caught fudging on taxes and giving
complex explanations of hiring less than legal nannies and maids, same old
Guantanamo open with the same old pledges to, "Close it now! Or at least
soon!" Same old Chris Dodd and Charlie Rangel planning to outlast the
fading media scrutiny of their ethical lapses. Same old Joe Biden caught on
camera in more embarrassing gaffes. And same old media trying to explain why
the world has forever changed.
And that's putting it nicely.