A little Shakespeare to drive home the irony of this new regimen of chemotherapy I started today.
I'm already feeling how this is going to blow up in me in a few days. Sort of like a movie trailer from Hell, letting you in on the real clever bits, and leaving you sitting there in morbid anticipation of the punchline.
I'm not in much of a writing mood at the moment, but I will catch you up later on the nightmare of a day spent attempting to get dangerous and severely toxic chemicals pumped into my veins.
That's the crazy part. I'm willingly submitting to all this. And chances are I'll keep having to submit to this, given the nature of the cancer.
What's that definition of insanity?
Well, let's not go there. I'll just leave you with a little more Shakespeare:
Well, 'tis no matter, honor pricks me on.
Yea, but how if honor prick me off when I come on? how then?
How then, indeed...